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The Arc of Wabash client
The Arc of Wabash client
The Arc of Wabash client
The Arc of Wabash client
The Arc of Wabash client

About The Arc of Wabash County

The Arc of Wabash County began in 1954 when a group of parents petitioned the Wabash public school system for permission to allow their children with intellectual disabilities to attend. That request was denied and the parents were advised to keep their “poor, afflicted” children at home to save everyone from stress and embarrassment.

School of Hope in Wabash

The Arc of Wabash County History

This incredible group of parents and other sympathetic community members were able to procure the resources they needed to begin their own school. A home on Steinman Street was donated, a teacher was hired and supplies purchased and thus began the School of Hope.

The school was funded by these parents, who raised funds by making quilts, selling baked goods, and taking in laundry. Area churches also donated money and supplies to help offset the expenses.

When the oldest of the children reached young adulthood, Workshop Enterprises was created to provide them with gainful employment. Area businesses would outsource some of their easier tasks to the Workshop. The first Workshop Enterprises was located on Manchester Avenue across from what used to be the County Farm. Later it moved to Canal Street where it joined with an association called the ARC movement. In the late eighties, The Arc moved to its current location on South Miami Street and became The Arc of Wabash County, Inc., dropping the acronym that included outdated wordage.

The Arc of Wabash County logo

The workshop is now called Pre-Vocational Industrial Services and operates multiple businesses including industrial parts assembly, document shredding, and cardboard recycling and bundling. Pre-Vocational Industrial Services exists to teach and train participants in transferable work skills, soft skills, social skills, and personal goals. Many of The Arc’s participants use the skills they learn in the Pre-Vocational Workshop to gain community employment. The Arc of Wabash employs a Community Employment Specialist who works closely with Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation in finding jobs for our qualified participants and giving them support to ensure success for the participant and customer satisfaction for the employer.


The Arc of Wabash County has grown since its “humble” beginnings to encompass a myriad of programs and services for adults, young adults, and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and a first class staff of qualified professionals.

In 2024, The Arc of Wabash County will be celebrating 70 years of enriching the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities!  With your donation, we will celebrate our 70th Anniversary by raising $70,000 in 2024! Your contribution will help The Arc Wabash County enhance and expand programs and services to the more than 125 individuals we currently support. Click the logo below to donate!

Embracing Ability Logo 13 (Website).png
Century Award with Governor
Clients and employees of The Arc of Wabash
Arc Wabash County logo

The Arc of Wabash County, Inc. is a Wabash County-based not-for-profit human service agency providing programs and services for individuals with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities in Wabash County and surrounding areas since 1954.


501(c)3 Statement - 501(c)(3)

Nonprofit Charitable Organization

595 S Miami St, Wabash, IN 46992


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